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East Gig Harbor Association
HomeAbout EGHA

The East Gig Harbor Association exists to promote and protect our neighborhood as a safe, comfortable, and beautiful place to live. We serve our home owners and residents by facilitating communication among neighbors, encourageing a sense of community, interacting with the city and county governments for the benefit of our community, and working to improve and preserve the unique characteristics and beauty of our neighborhood.

To learn more about what EGHA does, check out the projects under the "EGHA Projects" menu.

Where is East Gig Harbor?

East Gig Harbor is situated on the east shore of historic and picturesque Gig Harbor bay in Western Washington State, just west of the famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Who can join the East Gig Harbor Association?

Anyone who owns property in the East Gig Harbor area can join. Click here to see the map of the area we serve.

How much does it cost to join?

Annual dues for the East Gig Harbor Association are $20.

Is membership required if I live in East Gig Harbor?

While we hope that homeowners will see the value in being part of this organization, membership is entirely optional. Access to some functions of this website, such as a member directory and discussion forums, is limited to members.

How do I join the East Gig Harbor Association?

You can join directly on this website. Click here to go to the new members signup page.