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East Gig Harbor Association

EGHA Public Discussion

Road Safety
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We have an EGH resident who is a Forester. He has volunteered to examine any trees of concern and provide reports that support requests to PC or utility company for mitigation.


Since most all of the trees that you have observed are on the side of the road where the electrical/cable/phone lines are, do you think EGHA should contact Peninsula Light and ask them to preemptively look into the possibility of taking some sort of action prior to a mishap? They could do something if a tree is inside the easement..

The only other thing I can think of is to Identify which trees appear to be a hazard and have EGHA contact the owners with a letter of concern!


I have noted multiple large trees that are slowly leaning towards the road on Crescent Valley Drive, just South of Dana Drive, on the East side. They are inevitably going to fall over onto the cable lines and road. I am concerned that such falling trees will damage the cable lines, block the road and could cause vehicle damage and place drivers or walkers on the road at risk of serious injury. I suggest the BOD address this issue as a significant risk to the community.

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